The Key to Long-Term Success: Prioritising Self Care
Calling out to all of our hardworking and go-getting business owners and valuable members, here is our message to you. Despite the hustle and bustle of your daily life with your business, clients and employees, let's remind ourselves of the most important thing, you. Your happiness, your passions, and you, in general, might be at the bottom of your list - but we’re here to tell you it’s the key to your long-term success. Yes, no matter how busy you get, you need to take care of yourself to be motivated, sane, and creative with your business to keep it running. And running profitably, for that matter, because, let's face it, money funds our lifestyles and who doesn't like that leniency?
Self-care is a non-negotiable practice for everyone's lifestyle; if you want to keep the fiery passion and love for what you do alive. In a previous post, we talked about burnout, and these are all things to do to never get to that point! But time and distance make the heart grow fonder, and taking a step away might be just what you need!
Many business go-getters suffer guilt for caring for themselves and investing that time into their happiness over their business - but this feeling is horrifically misleading. You aren't selfish for taking a night off to relax, put a face mask on, or catch up with friends - you are simply a human who loves life and wants to appreciate it. When you love life and do things to enjoy the world around you, it will open up a realm of possibilities for you and your business because you have a completely new and fresh outlook on it. So, invest in yourself through time or get that nice wallet you have been eyeing or, even better, the massage you desperately need! You are the face and brains behind your business, so it needs you at your best to flourish - you put in what you have to give!
With the rise in self-care awareness, there is an overwhelming amount of things you could do that can confuse you as to where to start. Do you find it challenging to know what to do? Let us be the ones to tell you there is no right way - everyone has different needs and wants that can be satisfied in different ways! So here are a few of our ideas:
Scheduling "me-time" into your daily routine! Me-time can be done in so many ways, but you can journal, meditate, read, and essentially do anything to get in touch with yourself and your needs for a few moments (AM or PM)
Physical activity is so important to stimulate your brain healthily! So get that body moving to start or end your day on a fresh, lifted note. Do a basic exercise routine, go for a walk or a bike ride, or on a more exciting note, dance it off to your favourite song.
Healthy boundaries are a must! Between work and personal life, learn to say no and take time for yourself and those closest to you.
Call up a loved one and make plans! Take time to nurture these relationships because they bring a positive, supportive, and joyful light into your life.
Don't feel guilty about fulfilling your urges! Binge-watch a tv show you've been dying to see or read a book from start to finish for the heck of it. You deserve to treat yourself to doing things you love.
Feel for yourself and take time to process! Wins or losses are valuable to the journey, so celebrate them and let them act as a lesson.
When you prioritise your self-care and happiness, you shift your energy and focus into building a successful long-term brand and version of yourself. Business owners or employees should mentally and emotionally prepare themselves to take on the challenges of the business world, and self-care will prepare you for just that. Don't get lost in your responsibilities; remember you are a human and deserve as much and more love that you put into your business and mission!
Commit to taking care of yourself, and let us help you! Need to take the load off? Contact Daly Media today! We can help you with all of your marketing needs, and you can rest assured the job is being done!