Making a business a brand: finding your why
A determined business owner is bound to put thought into their logistics, services or products, and budgeting. Just as you'd set the foundation for your business on a technical front, you should do the same on a brand level! What does this mean exactly? In order to mold your business into a success, you need to create a clear, persistent, authentic brand identity.
One of the first places to build your brand identity begins with your why. Your why is the purpose, motivation, and goal behind why you do what you do. If you want people to engage with your business, you need them to connect with and care about your vision.
Your why should link back and be reflected in everything your brand does, from your services, products, packaging, customer service, and graphics, to copywriting and more!
So how do you find your why, and what does it entail? British-American author and inspirational speaker Simon Sinek created a theory that communicates why taps into the part of the listener's brain that influences behaviour and activates through the Golden Circle Model.
The Golden Circle Model explains why specific organisations and businesses are able to inspire and successfully set themselves apart from others. Sinek believes that humans respond the best when messages communicate to parts of the brain that dictate their emotions, behaviour, and decision-making.
(Source: Smart Insights)
First on the Golden Circle is your Why: this is an explanation behind your purpose, the reason you behave and exist as you do. Second on the Golden Circle is How: this is how your business achieves its purpose. Third on the Golden Circle is What: this is what your company does to fulfil your core purpose.
According to Sinek, your why is the most vital message a business can communicate because it inspires your audience to take action. Figuring this out will differentiate you from others and highlight the unique spark you and your brand bring to the table.
As Sinek explains, "People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” With this in mind, begin asking yourself why your brand exists and start building your key messaging and marketing from there!
For example, imagine you own a candle company. If someone asks why they should buy your candles, your first instinct may be to say, "We use essential oils, calming colours, and our products are reasonably priced." Although all are valid points, none of these answers are your why!
To inspire your audience to take action, your why may sound something like: we believe that relaxation and self-care should be accessible to everyone, practised regularly and easily. Followed by how you fulfil your why: our products are reasonably priced and contain essential oils and calming colours. Completed with what you do: we make candles. Want to buy one?
Incorporating the Golden Circle into your marketing strategy will help you build a brand from the inside out. Always dig deeper, think introspectively about your brand, and understand why you’re passionate about your business. Knowing this will set you apart from others and build a cohesive brand founded on authenticity and inspiration!
Are you a business owner eager to find your why but unsure of where to start? Our team at Daly Media offers a range of digital marketing services to help bring your brand to life! Our why is simple: to bring more joy to owners and audiences by helping heart-centred businesses thrive.
We would love to help your business through our brand identity and strategy services. To learn more about our process, services, and more, contact us today!